Re-Elect April 1

Clare Kelly Evanston First Ward Logo

A solutions-driven leader getting results for residents and businesses.

Why I'm Running.

“I am running for re-election because I love this community and I want to continue working hard and thoughtfully for the First Ward and all residents to make Evanston even better! As a lifelong resident, I am deeply rooted in this unique and beautiful community and I have a strong record during my first term of achieving important wins for Evanston residents. It is my overarching goal to ensure government accountability and an inclusive and thriving community that reflects the needs and aspirations of our residents. It has been a privilege to represent the First Ward for the past four years and I would be honored to have your vote again in the upcoming election!”

Election Day:

April 1st

Early voting by mail or in-person is encouraged.

Donate Here!

Please Donate To Clare For First, For Government Accountability, And A Thriving And Inclusive Evanston:

Donate with Zelle

Use 224-612-2008

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Make Checks Payable to:
Clare For First

Mail To:
Clare for First
823 Colfax St.
Evanston, IL 60201

What The Evanston Community is Saying About Clare

Our Businesses

“Clare has consistently demonstrated a commitment to thoughtful leadership by actively engaging with the small business community, ensuring their concerns and ideas are heard. She isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo, asking critical questions and demanding data-driven decision-making before casting her vote. Even when it means standing apart from the majority, Clare prioritizes informed policymaking over easy consensus, advocating for transparency and accountability in every decision.”
Ellen King, Co-Owner

Governor Pat Quinn Endorses Clare Kelly

Leaders in Our Community

“Clare Kelly is a strong voice for Evanston taxpayers and consumers. She is a champion for honest and open government”
Gov. Pat Quinn

Highlights From Clare’s

First Term Accomplishments

Click Below for More Information.

Increased Fiscal Accountability and Responsibility

  • Passed historic resolution to fully fund public safety pensions, reducing taxpayer debt liability by $30+million in the first year alone, increasing bond ratings.
  • Initiated Evanston’s first Finance & Budget Committee.
  • Worked successfully to uphold my campaign commitment to keep the city’s portion of the property tax levy from increasing for 3 years. A historical achievement.
  • Successfully secured an $800K contribution from NU for the purchase of a fire engine.
  •  Introduced an ordinance to restrict and regulate employee severance pay/buy-outs.
  •  Led in significantly reducing the city’s debt in her first two years supporting a stronger bond rating.
  • Currently lead sponsor for a Responsible Bidder and Procurement Ordinance.
  • Elected as Vice Chair of the National League of Cities (NLC) Finance, Administration, and Inter-governmental Relations Committee (FAIR) 2024 and 2025.

Championed Local Businesses and Our Downtown

  • Partnered with Preservation Commissioner Carl Klein to create the Evanston Legacy Business Alliance.
  • Introduced two grant programs for local businesses: Covid Recovery & Growth Grant and Relocation & Expansion Grant.
  • Reduced fees for downtown businesses.
  • Spearheaded Free Holiday Parking policy.
  • Initiated new Downtown Neighbors’ Association.
  • Introduced ordinance permitting restaurants to allow customers to bring dogs onto outdoor restaurant patios.

Improved Lakefront Access, Enjoyment and Protection

  • Re-opened and advocated for the Evanston Dog Beach.
  • Successfully colaborated to usher in the Evanston Folk Festival.
  • Worked with staff to successfully open the cafe at the Arrington Lagoon.
  • Ushered in free access to all beaches for Evanston residents.
  • Added key language to “Envision Evanston 2045” Comprehensive Plan to include natural habitat and shoreline protection measures, as part of a robust Lakefront Protection Ordinance.

Spearheaded Policies and Programs For a Fair and Inclusive Evanston

  • Leading sponsor for Evanston Workers Retention Ordinance, the first in Illinois. This provides employment protection and stability for these hard working hospitality and food service workers.
  • Successfully added amendments to Evanston’s Fair Housing Ordinance to protect against housing discrimination.
  • Empowered residents by developing and organizing a tenants’ council to a large low-income building.
  • Introduced ordinance to reduce financial burden for low and middle income residents requiring lateral sewer line repair under city streets and sidewalks.
  • Leading sponsor of ordinance to provide property tax and rental relief to long-term low and middle income residents who are at risk of losing their homes.
  • Secured much-needed onsite security for a low-income establishment facing persistent disruptive and safety issues.

Celebrating cherished businesses that shape
Evanston’s unique identity and character.

Highlights From Clare’s

Future Objectives

A Robust and Vibrant Downtown

to enhance visitor experience by proactively attracting and retaining businesses

Protection and Enhancement of Our Lakefront and Greenspaces

by adopting a strong lakefront protection ordinance to ensure strong stewardship, protection and enhancement of Evanston’s lakefront.

Improved Budget Oversight and Accountability of For Expenditure of Tax Dollars

Stipulate better budget forecasting, align budget expenditures to priorities, identify and implement responsible accountability measures for tax dollar expenditures.

Stronger Partnerships with Anchor Institutions

to establish strong mutually beneficial relationships.

Greater Inclusivity and an Even More Beautiful Evanston

Establish criteria and goals to increase the percent of middle income housing and affordable housing while honoring and expanding Evanston’s natural and architectural beauty through a well researched and responsible Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Codes.

Clare Kelly

“I’ve lived here for 54 years and taught at ETHS for 32 years, I am deeply rooted in this unique and beautiful community. I have a strong track record of achieving important wins for Evanston residents. My goal is to ensure government accountability, and an inclusive and thriving community that reflects the needs and aspirations of our residents.” Clare Kelly


A lifelong Evanston resident who has lived in the First Ward since 1970 and where she raised her two sons. She was elected to First Ward council-member in 2021. She retired in 2022 after a career as an award winning teacher at ETHS. She now coaches, virtually, new teachers statewide for the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Educators’ Association.

Clare was elected as Vice Chair of the Finance, Administration, & Intergovernmental Relations Committee for the National League of Cities (NLC) in both 2024 and 2025. NLC represents thousands of cities, towns, and villages in the United States. She was also elected as Vice Chair of NLC’s University Communities Council for 2025.

Clare led the successful fight to close the Evanston Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator in 2004 which led to state and federal legislation restricting medical waste incineration.