Letter to the Editor: Clare Kelly on why city should adopt Responsible Bidder Ordinance

Sep 19, 2024

Clare Kelly, would you please run for mayor? I’ll max out my contribution to your campaign.

Evanston needs your common-sense approach to solving problems and your careful and always informed decision-making. You are both pragmatic and forward-looking. You are the best alderperson on the council. You always put Evanston first.
Evanston needs Clare Kelly!

I would like to second this motion. It takes hard work and sound principles to support what is actually in Evanston’s interests. Both of these qualities have been sadly lacking on the part of the city’s decision makers–on so many, many fronts recently. We are now just beginning to reap what they have sown. Ms. Kelly has also consistently shown she’s willing to speak truth to power–no matter what mask it might happen to be wearing–and always with reliable civility.


100% third this!
We need you Alderwomen Kelly to run for mayor.

Letter to the Editor: Clare Kelly on why city should adopt Responsible Bidder Ordinance