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No Burn Evanston

2020 Policy Objective:

Defend Our Environment

by | Jan 24, 2021

Clare is a long time clean air and environmental energy and justice advocate. Clare spearheaded a successful environmental movement to stop toxic emissions from the medical waste incinerator at the Northwestern University Hospital. Her research, collaboration with experts, and mobilization of the Evanston community led to an ordinance banning medical waste incineration in Evanston and which  closed the Northwestern University Hospital medical waste incinerator in 2004. Sierra Club brought Clare to debate lawmakers on the state capital on the topic of medical waste incineration. Her work and gained expertise and the No Burn Evanston movement led to state and national legislation on medical waste incineration of which all Evanstonians should all be proud. Lisa Madigan and Jeff Schoenberg presented Clare with the Democratic Party Of Evanston Committeeman Award for this work.  
Accomplishing Evanston’s Climate Action Resilience Plan (CARP) will take center stage for Clare as she understands that if Evanston is to truly reach carbon neutrality by 2050, 100% clean and renewable energy by 2030, and 0 waste by 2050, as indicated in our CARP Plan, then immediate measures, policies and codes must be put in place to ensure that, as a city, we are effectively taking the necessary steps to hit these important goals. Furthermore we must include measures and codes that  protect marginalized and low income residents.