Evanston ranks tops in the state and nation for tax burden. Evanston leads in Illinois and the U.S. with property taxes that have the biggest impact on housing costs. The high cost of living in Evanston has made it increasingly difficult for even middle income people...
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Policy Objectives from 2020
Strengthen The Integrity Of Our Local Government
Clare proposed a lobby ordinance to bring transparency to our city government. Together with Steve Berlin, (President of Council on Government Ethics Laws and Executive Director of the Chicago Board of Ethics), Clare prepared and presented on the value of a Lobby...
Promote Community-Focused Growth
Clare has worked relentlessly for good development in the first ward and in Evanston and for affordable housing. Clare believes that affordable housing that genuinely meets community needs (those of low-income families’ and Evanston residents’) and aesthetic,...
Strengthen Equity And Social Justice In Evanston
Embracing, encouraging and respecting the input and voice of Evanston’s Black and Brown communities is essential to improving equity and social justice in our city. For too long low income communities have been too often shut out from the decision making processes...
Invest in small businesses
Saving our local businesses should be one of our City’s highest priorities. Our small businesses give Evanston a distinctive sense of place, quality and belonging, and they strengthen our local economy. They create high quality jobs and generate tax revenue. As a...
Defend Our Environment
Clare is a long time clean air and environmental energy and justice advocate. Clare spearheaded a successful environmental movement to stop toxic emissions from the medical waste incinerator at the Northwestern University Hospital. Her research, collaboration with...
Protect Our Community History
Clare has always supported, valued, and publicly defended historic Evanston sites, preservation, and historic districts in Evanston. She is gratified to be living, herself, in a historic district of the First Ward. Clare understands and deeply appreciates that...
Negotiate NU Fair Share Contribution
I have deep roots and respect for Northwestern University. My great great grandfather, Elhanan Searle, was in NU’s first graduating class of five in 1858. He wrote the commencement speech on the Philosophy of Civil Liberties and went on to work with Abraham Lincoln in...